15 Building a Website with pkgdown

Every decent package deserves a decent website. In this chapter, we’ll explore how to use pkgdown to generate a comprehensive website for your R package. This website will include documentation, vignettes, function references, and more, making it easier for users and collaborators to explore and understand your package.

15.1 Using pkgdown

To create a website for your package using pkgdown, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install pkgdown: If you haven’t already installed pkgdown, you can do so using the following command:
  1. Streamline setup: Ensure your package is configured correctly for website generation by using usethis::use_pkgdown():

This command sets up the necessary infrastructure within your package to enable pkgdown to build the website seamlessly.

Please see the screenshot of these commands below.

  1. Generate the website: Run the following command to generate the website:

This command compiles all the necessary documentation and vignettes into HTML files and organizes them into a structured website format.

  1. View the website: After running pkgdown::build_site(), the generated site will open automatically in your web browser. You can also preview it locally by opening the docs/index.html file in any web browser.

Please see the video of these steps below.

15.2 Correcting .gitignore

Before publishing your web page online, you’ll need to take one more step: removing docs from .gitignore.

By default, usethis::use_pkgdown() adds the docs directory to your .gitignore file. This prevents GitHub from recognizing and deploying your website files. To rectify this, you’ll need to remove the docs entry from .gitignore.

  • Open the .gitignore file located in your package directory.
  • Delete the line that says docs/.
  • Save the .gitignore file.

Removing docs from .gitignore ensures that GitHub will include the docs directory when you push your changes.

Removing docs from .gitignore ensures that GitHub will include the docs directory when you push your changes. Please refer to the video below.

15.3 GitHub Pages Hosting

One of the easiest ways to host your package website is using GitHub Pages. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Push changes to GitHub: Make sure all your changes, including the generated docs/ folder from pkgdown, are committed and pushed to your GitHub repository.

  1. Configure GitHub Pages:
  • Go to your GitHub repository on the web.
  • Navigate to the “Settings” tab.
  • Scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section.
  • In the “Source” drop-down menu, select “main” or “master” branch depending on your default branch.
  • Select /docs as the folder source.
  • Click on “Save”.

  1. Access your website: After saving, GitHub Pages will publish your package website at https://username.github.io/repo, where username is your GitHub username and repo is the name of your repository.

An alternative way to access your website is to click on the “Deployments - github-pages” section on the right margin of your GitHub repository and then click on “github-pages”.

In the next chapter, we’ll conclude by wrapping up what we’ve learned in this tutorial.

Creating R Packages: A Step-by-Step Guide by Ville Langén is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0